• The taste and the primary types of Vietnam Liberica coffee

    Liberica coffee is called “jackfruit coffee” (because its leaves resemble jackfruit leaves) in Vietnam. This line includes two main varieties: Liberica and Exelsa. It has a bit of strong bitterness – especially the aftertaste – reminiscent of burnt wood. Therefore, it is often used to mix with Arabica and Robusta coffee to create more diverse flavors.

    1. How does the coffee from Vietnam Liberica taste?

    The flavor of Liberia coffee is notably acidic, fruity, black, and enigmatic. Liberica lags well behind Robusta (2.6%) and Arabica (1.6%) in terms of caffeine concentration, at 1%.

    It gives the blend additional body and strength by bringing out the coffee’s middle and back palate as well as its lingering finish. When brewed independently, it offers a captivating and distinctive cup of coffee. Coffee from Liberica may be quite sweet and have the aftertaste of lemon.

    To add complexity and depth to other coffees, it is blended with other coffees in Vietnam. Liberica coffee, which has a distinctly sour flavor and suits European palates well, is frequently used in instant coffee.

    Liberica Coffee, Jakarta - Ulasan Restoran - Tripadvisor

    2. The primary types of Liberica coffee available in Vietnam

    Vietnam has a large selection of high-quality coffee at a more affordable price. The following are the primary varieties of Liberica coffee available in Vietnam that you should consider purchasing:

    whole green or roasted beans

    Liberica coffee in grade 1 on screen, cleaned or unwashed No. 18 Liberica coffee, grade 1 on screen—washed or unwashed No. 16 Liberica coffee, grade 2 on screen, washed or not No. 13: Coffee processing

    • Drip coffee filter (mixed Liberica)
    • whole ground bean (mixed Liberica)
    • Instant Coffee with a Liberica component

    Coffee beans on-screen numbers 16 and 18 are the primary ingredients used to make ground coffee and roasted coffee in Vietnam. To cut costs, smaller coffee beans, such as screen no. 13, are frequently utilized as blending components.

    What Makes Liberica Coffee Unique?

    3. Nam Son– Specializing export of good quality Vietnam coffee beans

    Nam Son, we know it’s more than just finding the right coffee supplier since every step of the supply chain requires proper implementation to ensure Vietnam-quality coffee beans are well delivered to clients. We always try our best to determine the best suppliers, including coffee farms and coffee collectors based on customers’ needs. During research on potential suppliers, discussion, and factory visits, we inspect everything from business license, and capacity, past orders, equipment, and workers’competence. This is why Viego Global ensures you can reach the best coffee suppliers at the most competitive price from Vietnam.

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